Letter #444


ashtabula said...

Hi Calcagno,
My sister-in-law's boyfriend, sorta, but that's another story, works in a boatyard in Alameda. He says people are walking away from their boats when they haven't paid their docking (slip) fees, etc. And that some of them are in liveaboard situations. I've always been attracted to the idea of living on a boat. I'm drawn to the water. My wife is drawn to the mountains. How's your portrait/audio recording project going?
Chuck (one of your portrait subjects)

Calcagno Cullen said...

Hi Ashtabula, Sorry for not seeing this comment sooner! The portrait project went great and was in a show in SF last Fall. You can see pics at http://www.telephoneheart.com/TelephoneHeart/TelephoneHeart.html Unfortunately however I am still not living on a boat.